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Winter hair care routine

Your Ultimate Tried and Tested Winter Hair Care Guide

Winters are here and so are the stubborn hair problems, that you can’t seem to get rid of easily. The cold and windy weather can strip moisture from your locks resulting in dry, frizzy & dull hair. Most individuals face hair fall, dandruff, and itchy scalp problems during winter. If left unchecked, these problems can […]

Protein Biscuits vs Regular Biscuits: What's the Difference | Lifespan

Protein Biscuits vs. Regular Biscuits: What’s the Difference?

Everyone loves a good biscuit, whether it’s with your morning chai(tea) or as a quick snack between meals. But have you ever stopped to think about what those tasty little treats are doing to your body? While regular biscuits may be a quick fix for hunger, they often come with a long list of unhealthy […]

6 Reasons Honey is Your Best Friend This Winter

6 Reasons Honey is Your Best Friend This Winter

Honey has been a household staple for centuries, and there’s a good reason why. Whether it’s mixed into face masks, used as a natural sweetener, or added to your morning cup of lemon water, honey has become a versatile ingredient with a range of uses. However, when winter rolls around, honey becomes more than just […]

Health Wali Diwali: 7 Gifting Ideas to Keep Your Loved Ones Healthy

Health Wali Diwali: 7 Gifting Ideas to Keep Your Loved Ones Healthy

As the festival of lights approaches, why not skip the usual sweets and indulgent treats for thoughtful, wellness-driven gifts that show you truly care?  While traditional sweets and indulgent treats are always welcome, health-conscious gifting is a trend that’s here to stay.  We’ve put together 7 unique and thoughtful health-focused Diwali gifts that will brighten […]

Detox Fasting Recipe| Lifespan

Navratri Detox Recipes: Healthy Fasting Meals to Cleanse Your System

Navratri is a time for spiritual renewal and physical cleansing. Fasting during this auspicious period can rejuvenate your body and mind, and incorporating delicious detox recipes can make the experience even more rewarding.  So, let’s cut to the chase! Here are some easy-to-make, flavorful recipes that include the natural sweetness of honey while keeping your […]

Lifespan Health and Wellness

Superfoods for Super Health: What to Eat and Why?

In the quest for better health, there’s often talk about superfoods. But can one food source truly provide all the nutrients our body needs? The simple answer is no. No single food, no matter how nutrient-dense, can fulfill every nutritional requirement. However, by combining foods from different groups, you can ensure that your body gets […]

National Nutrition Week Lifespan

National Nutrition Week: 7 Habits to Adopt for Better Health

The popular saying “You are what you eat” can sound cliché sometimes, but it’s an undeniable truth. The food we consume has a profound impact on our bodies and minds in the long run. You might think, “One pizza won’t hurt me,” and yes, it won’t—at least not immediately. But the habits you build with […]

Why Gut health matter more than you think | Lifespan health and wellness

Why Gut Health Matters More Than You Think

Gut health is everywhere! Everyone is talking about how important gut health is.  You must think, why is everyone so suddenly into improving my gut health?  Well! It’s not so sudden. Some 2,500 years ago Hippocrates (the father of modern medicine) said: “All Disease Begins in the Gut” Yes! Believe that! Your overall well-being is […]

Celebrate Independence day with a healthier you | Lifespan

Celebrate Independence Day with a Healthier You

As we approach Independence Day, a time when we celebrate the freedom of our nation, it’s also an opportune moment to reflect on our personal freedom—our health. True freedom is the ability to live life to the fullest, unburdened by preventable ailments. This year, let’s commit to embracing a healthier lifestyle.  In this blog, we […]

The Protein-PCOS connection: All you need to know

The Protein-PCOS connection: All you need to know

One in five Indian women are estimated to have PCOS or PCOD. Nowadays, it is more common for females of reproductive age to suffer from hormonal imbalances. The reasons can vary for individuals. However, poor lifestyle, unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, and obesity are among the most common reasons for the increased prevalence of PCOS […]

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