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Lifespan Health and Wellness

Superfoods for Super Health: What to Eat and Why?

In the quest for better health, there’s often talk about superfoods. But can one food source truly provide all the nutrients our body needs? The simple answer is no. No single food, no matter how nutrient-dense, can fulfill every nutritional requirement. However, by combining foods from different groups, you can ensure that your body gets […]

National Nutrition Week Lifespan

National Nutrition Week: 7 Habits to Adopt for Better Health

The popular saying “You are what you eat” can sound cliché sometimes, but it’s an undeniable truth. The food we consume has a profound impact on our bodies and minds in the long run. You might think, “One pizza won’t hurt me,” and yes, it won’t—at least not immediately. But the habits you build with […]

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